Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Eudora a Cool Glowing Chair for You

Eudora is a fiberglass chair upholstered in a variety of printed fabrics and encased in polyester resin. To top off the play on a preserved artifact, Eudora is illuminated from within to create an enticing and surreal object. Its nice to be sit on top of it, ( just beware not to get an electricity shock :) )

Via - B9Furniture

Nice Chair From Sweden Designer | Peter Andersson

Nice chair from Swedish Designer Peter Andersson has recently launched a new piece of furniture at the luxury internet shopping site 20ltd. This chair at a first glance appears like a perfectly functional easy chair, but at a close look you’ll find that he is actually built like a stage prop. When we see the side and back of the chair the unfinished backside is revealed. It like told you a hidden message inside it, just like, see my Construction...:), Unfinish chair that look so nice and become a piece of art.:)
Via - David Report
Via - Freshome